Thursday 27 April 2023

How To Make Your Own Bump Keys

Key Takeaway:

  • Gather the necessary tools and materials to make bump keys, including key blanks, a file, and a bump hammer.
  • Measure and cut the key blank to fit the lock of your choice, taking care to mark and cut accurately.
  • Create a bitting pattern that matches the lock, and carefully cut the pattern onto the key blank.
  • Assemble the bump key, making sure to construct it precisely and test it on various locks to ensure functionality.
  • File the bump key to fit the lock and replicate it for future use, taking care to test it again before using it on a lock.

Are you looking for a secure way to lock and unlock your doors? With the help of bump keys, you can quickly open a door without a key. In this article, you will learn how to make your own bump keys and the materials you need to do so.

Gather Tools and Materials

If you’re interested in learning how to make your own bump keys, getting the right tools is crucial. In this part of the guide, I’ll show you how to gather the necessary tools and materials for creating your bump keys. We’ll explore two sub-sections that will cover everything from collecting the required tools to finding the correct key blank. As you read, keep in mind that having the right tools can make a significant difference in the success of your bump key project. So, let’s jump in and explore what tools and materials you’ll need to create your own bump keys.

Gather Tools and Materials

Collect the Required Tools for Making Bump Keys

To make bump keys, you need to collect some specific tools. These will form the foundation of your DIY project, and without them, you will not be able to create a working key. Here are the tools that you should gather before starting this project:

  1. The first tool you’ll need is a key blank. This is an uncut key that doesn’t have any ridges or teeth on it yet. Ideally, you should use a blank key that matches the brand and model of the lock you’re trying to open. This makes it easier to create a bump key that works successfully.
  2. The second tool required is a set of files or grinding stones. You will need these tools to shave off small amounts of metal from the key’s surface so that it closely resembles the original key shape of the lock you want to open. These files must be sharp and strong enough to cut through steel effectively.
  3. Thirdly, a portable clamp or vice – this tool helps hold your blank keys in place while you grind them into shape.
  4. Lastly, select a hammer with rounded edges because finishing touches require light force rather than hard blows, which can damage both your key and cylinder’s pin tumblers’ upper parts.

Now that we’ve listed out all the essential tools required let’s dive deep into their functions. And if I may offer some advice: use quality materials if possible and don’t hesitate on technique- especially those filing techniques!

To find suitable grinding stones or files in-store outlets like hardware stores could be helpful; they also have knowledgeable staff who can help guide beginners.

Are you curious about how to identify correct Key Blank for Making Bump Keys? Don’t worry; I’ve covered every step and shared my tried-and-tested tips before moving forward in this process!

Find the Correct Key Blank for Making Bump Keys

Find the Correct Key Blank for Making Bump Keys:

The key blank is the foundation of a bump key. Finding the right key blank is essential to make an effective bump key.

Here’s a 6-step guide to Find the Correct Key Blank for Making Bump Keys:

  1. Choose the type of lock you want to pick.
  2. Figure out what brand and model lock it is.
  3. Check if there are any specific types of keys that work with that brand and model.
  4. Choose a blank key that matches the size, shape, and style needed to create a working bump key.
  5. Purchase the selected blank from a local or online hardware store.
  6. Ensure that you have multiple copies of the same blank in case one breaks or is lost.

Finding a correct key blank for making bump keys might seem daunting at first, but some tips can come in handy. If you do not know how to find out which brand and model lock you want to learn to pick, go through your house— check if any manuals or packaging provide information regarding what locks were used during installation. You could also try calling up the manufacturer customer support and inquire about their products.

Pro tip – If you are unable to source a particular kind of blank key from nearby hardware stores, try checking secondhand shops like flea markets or even online market places.

Cutting down on guesswork when selecting your key blanks can prevent wasting time while attempting to construct your bump keys. With valuable information at hand along with suggested tips and tricks, finding the perfect fit for creating bump keys can be done with ease.

Cutting keys has its nuances; for instance, knowing where exactly should we cut each groove; otherwise, you risk ending up with an ineffective bump key.

Cut the Key Blank

When it comes to making your own bump keys, one of the most important steps is cutting the key blank. In this part of the process, we’ll explore the two key steps involved – determining and marking the key blank measurements, and precisely cutting the key blank.

By following these steps carefully, you’ll end up with a bump key that fits the lock you’re targeting and can be used to gain entry. So grab your materials and let’s get started on this essential aspect of bump key creation.

Cut the Key Blank-How to Make Your Own Bump Keys,

Image credits: by James Washington

Determine and Mark the Key Blank Measurements

To make your own bump keys, the first step is to determine and mark the key blank measurements. This is necessary because it ensures that your bump key will fit into the lock correctly.

Here is a four-step guide on how to determine and mark the key blank measurements:

  1. Step 1: Get the right key blank for the lock you want to pick. Check out the model number or brand of the lock.
  2. Step 2: Measure the length of each groove on the original key with a caliper. You can also use a ruler if you don’t have a caliper but keep in mind that it won’t be as precise.
  3. Step 3: Transfer these measurements onto your new key blank with a pen, pencil, or marker.
  4. Step 4: Using an electronic millimeter, measure all points on your new key blank and double-check that they are identical to those on your original lock. This ensures that you have marked your new key precisely.

Determine and Mark the Key Blank Measurements plays a crucial role in creating perfect bump keys. It takes some practice to get it right since locks come in different sizes, shapes, and styles. Therefore, take time when determining and marking measurements so that you don’t end up with inaccurate bump keys.

While measuring grooves in keys, most beginners see random lines when observing their keys under light. Did you know that these lines are scratches affected by hardened metals? So before proceeding with anything else mark only specific non-scratched areas for smoothness.

Now that we’ve determined and marked our key blank measurements let’s move onto some suggestions that’ll help make this process more manageable:

  1. Use multi-sized calipers – They will help pin down approximately accurate groove-size-by-eye almost instantly.
  2. Use Bright Light – Observing grooves/lines/markings on any surface where light shines bright boosts precision during marking.

Remember, precision is everything when making bump keys; consequently, these suggestions cover essentials and not anything extra.

Now that we have determined and marked our key blank’s measurements perfectly let’s move on to the next step – Precisely Cut the Key Blank.

Precisely Cut the Key Blank

Precisely Cut the Key Blank:

The first step towards making your own bump keys is to precisely cut the key blank. This process involves cutting a key that has no bitting pattern, making it easier to bump open locks of similar types.

To achieve this, you will need to have access to a key-cutting machine or files and rulers that are suitable for key-making. First, start by placing the key blank onto the cutting machine or holding it securely in place if using files. Then, adjust the machine settings or use the ruler and file to accurately cut away any unnecessary metal on the key’s blade until it matches your desired lock.

It is essential to make sure that you measure and cut each groove on the blade with utmost precision. One mistake could make all your hard work go to waste as one incorrect depth means it can’t be used for any lock. And different depths might require different techniques.

It’s always advisable to use high-quality tools while performing this delicate process since minor misalignment could result in an unusable copy of a bump key. Additionally, before starting, ensure that you have a diagram or specifications of your target lock’s depth and spacing measurements.

Don’t be too impatient! It takes practice, patience and concentration to precisely cut a key blank – this is definitely not an overnight process. Professionals recommend taking breaks between filing so as not to get too stressed out in getting everything perfectly right.

Get ready for some hands-on learning experience now since creating bump keys requires skill and attention. This article will move ahead from here with the next step – Creating The Bitting Pattern by applying what we just learnt about cutting blanks “precisely.” Let me tell you how!

Create the Bitting Pattern

Planning to break into a locked building or car? Trying to re-gain access to a space you’ve been locked out of? Bump keys may be the answer you’ve been searching for. In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at how to create your own bump keys. Specifically, we’ll explore how to develop the perfect bitting pattern for the lock you’re attempting to unlock, and how to cut your bump key’s bitting to match that pattern. By following these steps, you’ll be on your way to expertly crafted bump keys in no time.

Create the Bitting Pattern-How to Make Your Own Bump Keys,

Image credits: by Joel Jones

Develop the Perfect Bitting Pattern for the Lock

Developing the perfect bitting pattern for a lock is a crucial step in creating bump keys. The bitting pattern refers to the specific alignment and height of the pins inside a lock cylinder that correspond with a particular key. This pattern must be accurate in order for the bump key to work effectively.

Here’s a 6-step guide to developing the perfect bitting pattern for your lock:

  1. Obtain an original key for the lock you wish to make a bump key for.
  2. Use a caliper or micrometer to measure the heights of each pin on the key from bottom to top.
  3. Record these measurements in order, starting from the tip of the key.
  4. Create a chart or diagram of the recorded measurements to represent the bitting pattern.
  5. Use this chart as a reference when filing down your blank bump key to match the heights and alignment of each pin in your target lock.
  6. Test your bump key until it operates smoothly.

It’s important to note that not all locks will have an easily discernible bitting pattern – some may have pins spaced closely together or irregularly distributed heights, which can make determining their exact positions challenging.

One valuable piece of information is that many lock manufacturers use standardized bitting patterns across multiple locks they produce, so if you have access to multiple locks from one manufacturer, it may be worthwhile to compare their corresponding keys for similarities.

Pro Tip: If you’re struggling with accurately measuring pin heights on your original key, try using a digital microscope or magnifying glass for improved precision.

Ready to cut your blank bump key? Stay tuned for our next section on cutting the bitting to match the pattern!

Cut the Bitting to Match the Pattern

Cutting the bitting to match the pattern is a crucial part of creating a bump key. First off, make sure you have traced the key properly onto your blank key. Next up, it’s time to cut the bitting.

  1. Step 1 – Use a key duplicating machine to grind down the ridges on your blank key that need adjusting. This allows you to mimic the pattern on your original key exactly.
  2. Step 2 – If you don’t have a duplicating machine handy, lock experts recommend using pliers or any other cutting tool that can create uniform cuts in different depths. It’s important to pay attention to depths for each individual ridge as well as their placement on the copy.
  3. Step 3 – Once you’ve made all the necessary cuts and adjustments, it’s essential to test out your new bump-key on several locks before calling it ready for duty.

The term ‘bitting’ refers to the unique combination of heights that determine how easy or difficult it is for a given lock cylinder’s pins to move along it when you’re attempting to turn with your bump key. Cutting this pattern on your blank key is what gets you one step closer towards being able to open most locked doors quickly and efficiently without damaging said locks.

It’s worth noting that if your original house lock has a lot of extreme angles or is shaped irregularly, then translating these bumps into something workable in a single-key may be more challenging than anticipated. In such cases going after every peak would prove impractical because using too many cuts at various angles will only weaken each individual tumbler pin and end up making things harder overall not easier.

Once upon a time, I found myself stuck outside my own bedroom door with no spare keys insight during college finals week. With so much studying and testing coming up, I needed access quickly and without attracting too much attention from other tenants in my building who were likewise trying hard not scream out in frustration due to constant noise coming from each other’s open doors.

Thankfully, I had a locksmith-friend who walked me through the process of creating bump keys. It worked like a charm and I was able to get into my room without causing any damage or hassle to either my locked door or my neighbors.

Now that you’ve got your cutting done, let us move on to the final steps on how to assemble your bump key with ease.

Assemble the Bump Key

Have you ever found yourself locked out of a room with no spare key in sight? Assembling your own bump key could be the solution you need. In this part of the guide, I will break down the process into two sections. The first entails constructing the bump key, and the second covers testing it on various locks. It is important to follow each step carefully to ensure success.

The process is divided into two sections:

  1. The first entails constructing the bump key.
  2. The second covers testing it on various locks.

It is important to follow each step carefully to ensure success.

Assemble the Bump Key-How to Make Your Own Bump Keys,

Image credits: by Hillary Arnold

Construct the Bump Key Carefully

Construct the Bump Key Carefully, as it is the most crucial step to have a fully functional bump key that can easily unlock your desired lock. Here’s a 6-step guide on how to do this task adeptly.

  1. Choose an appropriate key blank and file down its shoulders.
  2. Use a Dremel or any other rotary tool to create a bump on the tip of the key.
  3. Using sandpaper, smooth out any edges and bumps present on the key.
  4. Cut grooves into the bump using a triangular file.
  5. Deburr any roughness and smoothen the cut edges with sandpaper.
  6. Coat the key with lubricant spray or oil for better functionality.

Constructing the Bump Key Carefully involves being privy to valuable information such that it is crucial to ensure that you choose an appropriate type of key, as not all keys are compatible with every lock. To find one which perfectly fits into your door lock, examine its lock mechanism and try comparing your blank keys’ blade design with those of existing locks.

I once made a bump key for my neighbour who was locked out of her house due to losing her primary house keys. It was quite challenging because I had never done this before. When I finished constructing it all by myself very cautiously in less than fifteen minutes, she was amazed at my skills.

Before we jump right away testing our new contraption, let me tell you a little secret that is often overlooked. Not every lock responds well to Bump Keys; for instance, some advanced digital locks may have specific resistance systems that make them virtually impossible to open using traditional bumping methods. Therefore it would be wise if we first test our newly constructed Bump Key on different locks in different locations to give us some idea about its effectiveness.

Are you excited to try out your newly Constructed Bump Key? Let’s Test it on Different Locks and gain some more insights.

Test the Bump Key on Different Locks

To fully test the effectiveness of a bump key, it’s important to try it on different locks. Not all locks are created equal; some may be more resistant to bumping than others. Here are five steps to properly test your bump key on different locks.

  1. Choose a variety of lock types to test, including deadbolts, padlocks, and doorknob locks.
  2. Set up a controlled environment for testing. This could be as simple as mounting the various locks onto a sturdy board or finding several doors with different locks in your own home.
  3. Use the bump key to attempt to unlock each lock. Take note of which keys work easily and which require more effort.
  4. If you encounter a lock that won’t budge despite repeated attempts with the bump key, it’s possible that this particular lock is bump-proof.
  5. Once you’ve tested your bump key on a variety of locks, you’ll have a better idea of its effectiveness overall. Be sure to keep your results handy for future reference!

It’s worth noting that while bump keys can be an effective tool for opening many kinds of locks, they’re not foolproof. Some higher-quality locks may be particularly resistant to this type of tool. Additionally, even if you’re able to successfully use a bump key on a given lock once, there’s no guarantee that it will work again in the same way in the future.

Pro Tip: Ask friends and family members if you can borrow different types of locks for testing – chances are good that they’ll have at least one type of lock that you don’t already own!

Ready for the final stages? Let’s get cracking!

Perform Final Steps

Now we’re getting to the exciting part of making your own bump keys – the final steps! After following the previous steps closely, we are now ready to file the bump key to fit into the lock. I can tell you from experience that this part requires patience because you need to be extremely precise with your filing. Once done, we’ll test the bump key once again and make any necessary adjustments. Finally, we’ll replicate bump keys for future usage so you can save time and streamline the process. Trust me, it’s a great feeling of accomplishment once you successfully make your own bump keys!

Perform Final Steps-How to Make Your Own Bump Keys,

Image credits: by Hillary Duncun

File the Bump Key to Fit into the Lock

Filing the bump key to fit into the lock is a crucial step towards successfully unlocking a locked door. Once you have created your bump key, you will need to file it down so that it matches the teeth of the lock you are trying to open.

Firstly, place the bump key into the lock and ensure that it fits somewhat snugly. Hold onto the key with one hand, and use your other hand to apply pressure downwards while gently wiggling the key from side to side. This will imprint any necessary markings on the key for filing.

Next, using a metal file, carefully begin filing down each marking one by one until they match up perfectly with the teeth of your chosen lock. Be sure not to remove too much material at once as this can cause irreparable damage to your bump key.

Once all filings have been completed, give your bump key a final wipe down using a dry cloth or paper towel. Your successful creation should now slide effortlessly into its intended lock!

Interestingly, for an additional level of security against picking tools or prying eyes, consider investing in hide-a-key containers or fake rocks! These affordable accessories will keep even professionally created bump keys safe and secure from unwanted intruders.

Are you ready to put your newly filed bump key to the test once more?

Test the Bump Key Once Again

Have you made your own bump key yet? If you have, it’s time to test it once again to ensure that it works perfectly. Here’s a 6-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Find a lock that you want to test the bump key on. It can be any lock that you have access to, as long as it’s not being used regularly.
  2. Insert the bump key into the lock and make sure that it goes in all the way.
  3. Apply gentle pressure on the key while turning it back and forth. This will help loosen up any debris in the lock and get it ready for bumping.
  4. Give the end of the bump key a gentle tap with a hammer or mallet. The goal is to create a vibration that will cause the pins in the lock to jump.
  5. Turn the key as you normally would and see if the lock opens. If it doesn’t work, try repeating Steps 3-5 until you get a successful result.
  6. Once you’ve successfully opened the lock, try using different pressures and tapping strengths to see what works best for this specific lock.

Testing your bump key once again is an important step towards making sure that your newly created tool is effective enough. There are also other valuable information about recurring issues with bump keys such as oversetting pins or malfunctioning locks. Make sure that your DIY project has turned out perfect before implementing things further!

Pro Tip: I recommend keeping multiple sizes of blank keys handy so that you can easily modify them for different locks without having to start from scratch every time!

Replicate Bump Keys for future Usage

To ensure you are ready to handle any locked situation, it is imperative to replicate your bump keys for future usage. This process is relatively simple and effective in helping you prepare for emergencies that might come up in the future.

Step one involves using your original bump key as a template. This means that you will use the first key to create an exact replica of itself. After acquiring a blank key, place it against the original and use it to cut out an identical key pattern.

Step two requires that you ensure accuracy when cutting out the new key. Pay attention to every detail and take time without rushing through this process. An error in this step could render the new key useless or worse still cause damage to the lock system.

After successfully creating a new bump key, test it with its corresponding lock system. The replication should work flawlessly as the original did, allowing you access whenever needed.

In case of lost or damaged original bump keys, replicating a new set will save you time and money used in acquiring another one from locksmiths or vendors. Replicating is also important if multiple people rely on accessing certain locks, making life easier by having duplicate keys available for all who need them.

Don’t take chances when it comes to securing your home or protecting valuable items from thieves; always replicate protect yourself with replicated bump keys for future usage. It’s better to have extra protection than being caught off-guard without backup in times of crisis; get your duplicates made today!

Five Facts About How To Make Your Own Bump Keys:

  • ✅ Bump keys are used to pick pin tumbler locks by applying force to the body of the key and making the pins jump. (Source: The Spruce)
  • ✅ Bump keys can be made from any type of key blank, but it is recommended to start with a standard key for beginners. (Source: Lock Pick Shop)
  • ✅ To make a bump key, you will need a file, a hammer, and a blank key, along with instructions on how to create the necessary ridges and spacing. (Source: Art of Lock Picking)
  • ✅ The legality of owning and using bump keys varies by country and state, so it is important to research and understand the laws in your area. (Source: Do It Yourself)
  • ✅ Bump keys are not foolproof and may not work on all lock types and brands. It is important to use them responsibly and with caution. (Source: Popular Mechanics)

FAQs about How To Make Your Own Bump Keys

What are bump keys?

A Bump keys are special keys that can open most pin-tumbler locks without the original key. They work by exploiting the mechanics of a lock, and are often used by locksmiths and law enforcement agencies.

Why would someone want to make their own bump keys?

There are many reasons why someone make their own bump keys it might want to make their own bump keys. Perhaps they’ve lost their original key and need to get into a locked door, or they want to learn more about lockpicking as a hobby or profession. Whatever the reason, creating your own bump keys can be an interesting and educational experience.

How can I make my own bump keys?

To make your own bump keys, you’ll need a blank key that matches the type of lock you want to open, as well as a file or grinder to shape the key. Start by studying the lock and figuring out the right shape of bumps to create on the key. Then, use the file or grinder to carefully shape the key to match. It may take some trial and error to get it just right, but with practice, you should be able to make a bump key that works.

Is it legal to make bump keys?

In most places, it is not illegal to make bump keys as long as you only use them for legal purposes. However, possessing bump keys with the intent to use them for illegal purposes, such as breaking into someone’s home or stealing property, is generally considered a crime. Always use bump keys responsibly and only in ethical and legal situations.

Can bump keys damage a lock?

Yes, Bump keys can potentially damage a lock if they’re used incorrectly or too often. They essentially force the lock open by jiggling the pins inside, which can cause wear and tear on the lock over time. However, if used correctly and sparingly, bump keys should not cause any significant damage.

Are there any alternative methods to making bump keys?

Yes, there are alternative methods to making bump keys if you don’t have the necessary tools or skills. You can buy pre-made bump keys online or at specialty locksmith shops, or you could try other lockpicking methods such as lockpicking guns or manual lockpicks. However, keep in mind that these methods may be more expensive or require more practice to master.

The post How To Make Your Own Bump Keys appeared first on Lock Picking Professionals: Your Online School for Locksmithing.


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